Sunday, April 1, 2012

Room 2 Newsletter for Term 1 Week 10

...well, kinda.

I haven't been able to get into school this weekend to access the photos that we've got of Room 2's week last week,'s the text of the newsletter anyway!

Term 1, Week 10 Tuesday 2 April, 2012

Welcome to the last week of the term. My, how the term has shot by!

Last week we did much of the usual stuff. ‘Cept for practicing for the Easter liturgical Play. That was a new thing.

This week we’ll be doing much the same stuff as last week. Well, in the mornings at least. (‘Till Thursday…no literacy interchange on Thursday). The afternoons will all be about Easter. More whole school Easter Liturgical play practice, as well as learning what happened, and more importantly why, in class.

Speaking of Reading, which I really wasn’t but I can’t think of a clever segway, I thought I might take this opportunity to explain why White Group (and soon Blue group too) are only getting two new books a week. As these readers get better at reading, the stories get longer, so I’ve decided to spread these new texts over two days so we can really get into them, so to speak, during group instruction. Which will mean that on day one of their new text I’ll keep the book at school and they’ll take home a couple of browsing box books to read to you in the evenings. These will be books that they have read to you before, but don’t worry about that. The next day they’ll bring home their new book to share with you.

On Thursday, we will have the Easter Mass / Liturgical play in the afternoon. Probably about 2ish, so’s you can all trot home afterwards, but I’ll let you know more details when I know myself.

As for next week, well, sleep in! Its been a busy old term, and next term looks to be just as busy - rest up!

I intend to finish up a couple of Sarmation knight elements (they fought the Romans and Parthians (and each other) c. 100 A.D. Think the Hungarian plains through to the Ukraine), probably start on some Panzer IVs...maybe even a Stuka to hassle my Crete bound Kiwi(s). (Did you know that the plural for kiwi is actually kiwi?) Oh yeah, and the following week, I’ll have a birthday!

Have a great holiday,

Nick Grant

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